The Mohican Project

Visit the links below to fill in the gaps in your local history
Click on the flower to learn about the history of the Stockbridge Munsee Community.
"The People of the Waters That Are Never Still."
Click on the fox to visit the Berkshire Museum website.
Click the tree to take a virtual walking tour of Main Street in Stockbridge, narrated by members of the Stockbridge Munsee Community.
For this project, you will be creating an altered book with a visual narrative about the Stockbridge Munsee band of Mohicans.
You'll be re-writing the book with true and local history, art, and knowledge.
Definition of ALTERED BOOKS:
An altered book is a form of mixed media artwork that changes a book from its original form into a different form, altering its appearance and/or meaning.
An altered book artist takes a book (old, new, recycled or multiple) and cuts, tears, glues, burns, folds, paints, adds to, collages, rebinds, gold-leafs, creates pop-ups, rubber-stamps, drills, bolts, and/or be-ribbons it. The artist may add pockets and niches to hold tags, rocks, ephemera, or other three-dimensional objects. Some change the shape of the book, or use multiple books in the creation of the finished piece of art.
Click on the image below to look through a slide show of altered book history and examples.
Most of the artwork and information was pulled from various websites.
Create a narrative about one of the following historic Mohican leaders:
Captain Hendrick Aupaumut
Pophnehonnuhwoh (Captain John Konkapot)
John W. Quinney
Electa Quinney
Illustrate the migration story of the Mohican People post European contact
Explore traditional Mohican artistry
Explore traditional Mohican sports and past times
Create a narrative that disspells known myths about Native Americans
Explain tribal sovereignty as related to the Mohican People
Explore treaties and laws that effected the Mohican People
Identify and examine various sources of information that are used for constructing an understanding of the past, such as artifacts, documents, letters, diaries, maps, textbooks, photos, paintings, architecture, oral presentations, graphs, and charts.
Brainstorm ideas for composition in your sketchbook.
You must include the art elements and principles in some way throughout your book. You also must be able to explain how you utilized the elements & principles.
You must use a variety of different techniques. You must research different MIXED MEDIA techniques.
Your cover and back of your book must be decorated or altered to represent your story in some way or form.
You must reference at least one primary source in your story.
HERE IS A LIST OF TECHNIQUES YOU CAN USE: If you don’t know what some of the techniques are, look them up!
Adding drawers
Hanging embellishments
Fibers and beads
Layering with collage elements
Folding origami or pockets
Folding pages
Adding inserts
Photo transfer
Cutting windows or doors
Cutting shadowboxes
Adding texture
Inspiration and ideas found here.
Click here to read a blog that has lots of tutorials and ideas for mixed media techniques.
Some basic steps to creating an altered book are here.
Here is a great site to visit for more inspiration.
Here is another great site.