Mohican History and Culture
Educator Resource
The Stockbridge-Munsee Community created a curriculum to teach us about the tribe's history through their own lens. This website serves as a supplemental resource to help more people gain access to the curriculum. The historical content has been taken directly from the original document entitled The Mohican People--Their Lives and Their Lands, created by Dorothy Davids as well as from the Stockbride-Munsee Community's official website, www.Mohican.com.
Click on the images to learn more.
Background: The Muh-he-con-ne-ok

The Muh-he-con-ne-ok and the coming of the Europeans

Moving and moving again

Life today for the Mohicans

Additional Resources
The official website of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community
History of the Mohican People- mapped
Culturally relevant resources for classroom teachers

Interviews with citizens of the Mohican Nation, June 2021

Interviews are currently disabled, awaiting permissions.
Click the objects above to listen to members of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community